Second Formal Essay ENC 1101

Second Formal Essay: ENC 1101

Remember the second essay is due Thursday, August 4th. The paper should be approximately 1,000 words in length, and it should be typed and double spaced. Use formal essay structure (introduction, body, and conclusion). Also, the essay must be in twelve-point size and Times New Roman font. Remember to provide a heading (student name, professor name, course, date) in the upper left corner. A title must be in the center just above the introduction. And each page number should be preceded by your last name in the upper right corner.

The content of this essay should be an argument on a subject raised in any of our selected readings and/or discussions since the first essay: These subjects include discrimination and ethnic, disability, gender and sexuality stereotypes.

You are required to use research for this assignment. The paper should incorporate at least four sources, and at least two of the four should be from academic databases. You are to cite your sources (both within the essay and with a works cited page). Follow MLA guidelines. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and social media do not count toward the research credit. Also, Wikipedia is a banned source.

Be sure to submit your essay to the appropriate folder in Assignments on D2L.


Oppose or defend one or several points raised by any of our selected authors/speakers since the second formal essay. Explain reasons why you agree or disagree with any of their arguments.

Analyze Jane Elliott’s Blue Eye/ Brown Eye experiment to teach how institutionalized racism functions. Consider, for example, her use of the green collars, the number and placement of chairs, the posters on the classroom walls, the use or deprivation of food and beverages, etc. How do these props emphasize her points?

In The Angry Eye, Jane Elliott compares the students’ reactions to the loss of privilege to the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance). What evidence do you see to support this (whether the material you use is from the video or other works involving Jane Elliott)? What might this tell us about the way racism (or discrimination in general) is embedded in our culture?

While “The Angry Eye” video was made in 2001, consider the possible relevance of Jane Elliott’s exercise today. In the last year alone, what issues (personal observations or experiences, examples from popular culture, political statements or other events) have surfaced regarding race and racism in the United States? Do these issues warrant the use of Jane Elliott’s exercise?

Jane Elliott’s Blue Eye/Brown Eye experiment has been controversial since its inception. Does it deserve any of the criticism it has faced? Examine the virtues and flaws of the experiment to determine whether it has merit in combatting racism.

Considering Nico Lang’s “The Real Costs of a ‘Marvel Body’: How the Pressure to Look Like Thor and Captain America is Hurting Men,” analyze how representations of manhood in pop culture and other methods of socialization impact the way men view themselves and their masculinity. In what ways are these representations progressive and/or harmful? Try focusing on one source in particular, such as professional athletes as role models; male action figures; prominent male characters from film, television, video games, etc.; figures in your personal life; etc.

Considering Caroline Heldman’s TED Talk, “The Sexy Lie,” analyze the impact of sexual objectification of women. Focus on a particular example—such as a film portrayal, a magazine cover, a Youtube commercial, a sitcom character, etc.—and offer a criticism or defense of that example.

The Celluloid Closet documentary gay representation in American film and analyzes how those representations impact audiences’ attitudes. Offer your own analysis of a specific portrayal of an LGBTQ+ character from pop culture and examine whether it is an offensive or progressive depiction.

Analyze a character (from film, television, etc.) that presents a stereotypical depiction of another group.